Monday, February 21, 2011

Funny... Tasteless, but Funny!!

A South Bend, Ind., restaurant that erected billboards with references to the 1978 Jonestown cult massacre in which more than 900 people died has removed the signs following complaints that the signs were offensive.

The Hacienda restaurant’s billboards included the statement, “We’re like a cult with better Kool-Aid,” over a glass containing a mixed drink next to the phrase “To die for!”

In November 1978, more than 900 members of Jim Jones’ People’s Temple drank cyanide-laced, grape-flavored punch in a mass murder and suicide at the group’s compound in Guyana.

“We made a mistake,” Jeff Leslie, a Hacienda vice president, said of the billboards, adding that the company removed the signs two weeks into its new advertising campaign.


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