Saturday, April 13, 2013

Yes, Erato and I are Back Together

Iwas sent by Erato and her fellow muses to scout out places like Facebook, and while it's quick and immediate, it doesn't lend itself to longer thoughts, essays, music mpg's and the like. Not that I've been doing a lot of long thinking, esaying or composing, but that's beside the point. So what is the point? I'm climbing out of this pendulous pit I've dug, and I need an outlet using Bonita (my laptop, if you recall) to create something, anything.
Miles Davis said he did something creative everyday. I need to do that, even if it's a sketch, a thought, a limerick or a photo. It doesn't have to be epic, just new.
Just a couple thoughts from John O'Donohue's book , "Beauty. The Invisible Embrace":
"Music creates its own time.Music communicates before it is undrstood."
"One of the great  illusions of human vision is that there is stillness, yet what seems still to our eyes is in fact never still. The whole physical world is in a state of permanent vibration and change. Each object is constantly astir. I am reminded what New Yorker Fran Leibowitz said, "There is no such thing as inner peace; there is only nervousness and death."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
