Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Answer is:

I guess you’re wondering why I still feel like hanging around. At this moment I’m in my glory: Regina Spektor’s new recording, “What we saw from the cheap seats” has just come out, and I’m grabbing the first listen. It is outrageously crazy and beautiful and funny and tender, and always adventurous. None of those cute-voiced chicks who sing trite-songs can’t even imagine her world. I’ve come to the conclusion she is a female Capt. Beefheart. Almost out of control, bur right on target. She always leaves me shaking my head and wanting one more song. She is one reason I feel like sticking around awhile. I would hate to miss a new Regina song, or a new novel or book of poems by Jim Harrison or Louise Gluck, or new photos by Annie Leibowitz or Sally Mann. Unfortunately, “House” is over but there are re-runs I have not seen enough of. And maybe I might just write one more piece of music myself.. And I still want to see Anna’s eyes light up once more, or hear kym call my nickname, or see Robin’s honey-smile, or hear Mariagnes’ soprano voice, and on a chilly cloudy day, remember insignificant things that grow more meaningful each day. I close my eyes and see Cheryl, when we were both 13, sitting on her parent’s porch rail, brushing her hair out of her face. Oh yeah, One last Acid trip. Then the bus can turn the corner and accelerate.


The conductor said...

leaseDa Bus is runnin late. Better off waitin for the the train. And than the train only follows the track, so what fun is that??

robin said...

Oh yes, plenty to hang around for. I don't know r.s's music, will take a listen at once. missing you.