Monday, August 22, 2011

Gone to Seed

I love when an area of land previously tended and used is allowed to slowly revert to its original state.From a lawn magically appears all sorts of wild grasses and brilliantly colored flowers (some would call "weeds")and with it inhabitants such as bees and butterflies and birds and crawling things.

This has been happening quite a bit in parts of our country, reclaiming the wetlands and shorelines and prairies, after realizing these "waste"-lands are both useful and necessary.

I'm always fascinated with cable shows and the like that talk about "The World After Man." For one thing it challenges our human-centric notion that when we're gone,everything will be gone. The idea that this planet will continue on for god-knows how many billions of years after us is intriguing. Once again nature returns to its beginnings ---- to "Eden" as it were. Ah, the beauty of "going to seed"

Sitting out in Mona's garden this morning, surrounded by all sorts of greenery, and fragrances and butterflies, I imagined me also going to seed. Certainly a lot of people viewing my somewhat unkempt beard will say it's already happened.
But I was thinking more of the spirit, the soul.
So much has been held back, trimmed and pruned, weeded and landscaped in the process of the years by elders and peers, it's hard to know who I really am, and what my self really looks like. Wouldn't it be nice to give the landscapers the boot, return to that garden,and let myself "go to seed."

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